
the first step in using the nebulactl CLI tool is to install it, you do that by running the following command on a 64bit Linux OS:

sudo wget -O  /usr/local/bin/nebulactl && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/nebulactl

this install a single bin file in the /usr/local/bin path which makes it accessible from any path in the shell.


after installing "nebulactl" you have to configure it by pointing it to your cluster, you do it by running the following command

nebulactl login --username <root> --password <password> --host <> --port <80> --protocol <http/https>

or if you prefer a guided questions login just run:

nebulactl login 

either of this 2 methods creates a file in ~/.nebula.json with the login details, nebulactl checks this file every time it runs a command against the nebula API, also note that the file is per user so if you have multiple users you will have to either copy this file or run the nebulactl login command for each of them


the --help argument will give you the needed parameters for each command, most commands will also prompt interactively if a required parameter is missing to ease first time users.

nebulactl --help

Usage: nebulactl [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  manage a nebula cluster

  --version  Show the version and exit.
  --help     Show this message and exit.

  create   create a new nebula app
  delete   delete a nebula app
  info     list info of a nebula app
  list     list nebula apps
  login    login to nebula
  logout   logout of nebula, useful when you want to...
  ping     check nebula api responds
  prune    prune unused images on devices running an app
  restart  restart a nebula app
  roll     rolling restart a nebula apps
  start    start a nebula app
  stop     stop a nebula app
  update   update a nebula app