
There are currently 2 possible authentication methods:

  • Basic auth - pass the Authorization: Basic <your-basic_auth_base64-here> header to the API call
  • Bearer tokens - pass the Authorization: Bearer <your-token-here> header to the API call

you can use either\both however you please, should you wish to disable both auth you must set the auth_enabled parameter on the manager to false.

The basic_auth_user, basic_auth_password & auth_token parameters of the manager configure the local admin user which is automatically granted permissions for everything, aside from the local admin user there is also internal users which is managed by being attached to user_groups and granting permissions to said user_groups, this allows you to set read only or read\write permissions on both the app level and the device_group level, allow\disallow pruning permissions & create more admin users.

Get api status

a simple endpoint that can be used to monitor the API is working


GET /api/v2/status HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:5000
Authorization: Basic <your-basic_auth_base64-here>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

response example


    "api_available": true

Prune unused images on all device

Prune unused images on all devices


POST /api/v2/prune HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:5000
Authorization: Basic <your-basic_auth_base64-here>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

response example

    "prune_ids": {
        "test": 544,
        "test123": 222

List a filtered paginated view of the optional reports system

The optional reporting system reports can be queried from this endpoint in the manager.

Can be filtered via the request parameters (none are required):

  • page_size = the number of reports per page to show
  • hostname = an exact match to a hostname to filter by
  • device_group = an exact match to a device_group to filter by
  • report_creation_time = the value (in seconds since unix epoch) of time to filter by
  • report_creation_time_filter = the math expression to filter the report_creation_time by, defaults to eq (equal), one of:
    • eq
    • gt
    • lt
    • gte
    • lte
    • ne
  • last_id = the last_id that is returned by the a current paginated query, passing it will make the load the next paginated page, upon reaching the last page 'null' will be returned.
  • updated = setting to "True" will return only reports where there was a change in the device configuration, setting to "False" will return only the reports where there was no changes in the device configuration, if unset all reports will be returned.


GET /api/v2/reports?page_size=3&amp; hostname=5c5b7ceae29a&amp; device_group=test&amp; report_creation_time_filter=gt&amp; report_creation_time=1551252013&amp; last_id=5c75489a209bde00015570e5 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <your-basic_auth_base64-here>
Content-Type: application/json
cache-control: no-cache

response example

    "data": [
    "last_id": {
        "$oid": "5c75489a209bde00015570e8"