
An SDK for managing nebula via python.

Translates all of Nebula API calls to something more pythonic.

Source code is available at github

How To Use

First install NebulaPythonSDK:

# install from PyPi
pip install NebulaPythonSDK

Now you can use it in your python code:

# Load API wrapper from library
from NebulaPythonSDK import Nebula

# Create API object.
# port defaults to 80 and protocol defaults to http if not set
connection = Nebula(username="your_nebula_user", password="your_nebula_pass", host="", port=80, protocol="http")

# list apps
app_list = connection.list_apps()

# list app info
app_config = connection.list_app_info("app_name")

# create app
app_conf = {
    "containers_per_cpu": 8,
    "env_vars": {
        "test": "blabla",
        "test3t2t32": "tesg4ehgee"
    "docker_ulimits": [],
    "networks": ["nebula"],
    "running": True,
    "devices": ["/dev/usb/hiddev0:/dev/usb/hiddev0:rwm"],
    "privileged": False,
    "volumes": ["/tmp:/tmp/1", "/var/tmp/:/var/tmp/1:ro"],
    "containers_per": {
        "cpu": 6
    "starting_ports": [
            "81": 80
    "docker_image": "httpd"
connection.create_app("app_name", app_conf)