Configuring apps

The following table shows the config variables used to set individual apps inside nebula (via the API):

field type example value description
starting_ports list of int and\or dicts [{"85": "80"}, 443, 5555] a list of starting ports to bind the work containers, if ints the host port & the container port will be the same value, if dict it will follow the {"host_port":"container_port"} format, note that due to JSON format if using a dict values must be passed as strings (with ""), if using ints values must not be passed as strings, mixing and matching is allowed, for example a worker server with 8 CPU's & containers_per={"cpu": 3} and starting_ports=[{"81": "80"}] will have 24 containers binding to port 81 to port 104, so your worker-node LB can bind to port 80 and redirect traffic among the container on ports 81...104 which are bounded on the host & redirect to port 80 inside the container, an HAProxy config example can be found at example-config, use [] for non
containers_per dict {"server": 3} or {"cpu": 0.5} the number of containers to run on each worker node, possible keys are {"server": int}, {instance": int} & {cpu": int/float}, server and instance are both the same and will load x number of containers on each node, cpu will load x containers per cpu on each node
env_vars dict {"test1": "test123", "example": "example123"} a dict of envvars that will be passed to each work containers, use {} for non
docker_image string "" what docker image to run, note that it's currently not possible to set a different starting command then the one set in the container Dockerfile
running bool true true - app will run, false - stops said app
networks list ["nebula", "bridge"] the networks containers will be part of, if you wish to use "host" or "none" networks make sure that they are alone in the list (["host"] or ["none"]), a default bridge user network named "nebula" is also added in any case which is not "host" or "none", the "nebula" network can either be added explicitly (["nebula", "example-net"]) or implicitly (["example-net"]) and will also be added if an empty list is set ([])
volumes list ["/tmp:/tmp/1", "/var/tmp/:/var/tmp/1:ro"] what volumes to mount inside the containers ,follows docker run -v syntex of host_path:container_path:ro/rw, use [] for non
privileged bool false true - app gets privileged permissions, false - no privileged permissions
devices list ["/dev/usb/hiddev0:/dev/usb/hiddev0:rwm"] what devices to grant the containers access ,follows docker run --device of host_path:container_path:ro/rwm, use [] for non

Configuring Nebula

The following table shows the config variables used to set nebula:

conf.json variable name envvar variable name used in example value type description required
basic_auth_user BASIC_AUTH_USER api-manager admin string the basic auth user used to secure the api-manger yes
basic_auth_password BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD api-manager P@ssw0rd string the basic auth password used to secure the api-manger yes
ENV api-manager dev string envvar only, defaults to "prod", if set to "dev" will use flask built-in web server to make devs life a tad easier, unless your developing new features to nebula or hunting down a bug in it best to not include it at all no
rabbit_host RABBIT_HOST api-manager & worker-manager string RabbitMQ host FQDN or IP yes
rabbit_port RABBIT_PORT api-manager & worker-manager 5674 int RabbitMQ port yes
rabbit_user RABBIT_USER api-manager & worker-manager rabbit string RabbitMQ user yes
rabbit_password RABBIT_PASSWORD api-manager & worker-manager Rabbit123 string RabbitMQ password yes
rabbit_vhost RABBIT_VHOST api-manager & worker-manager vhost string RabbitMQ vhost (without the /) yes
rabbit_heartbeat RABBIT_HEARTBEAT api-manager & worker-manager 3600 int RabbitMQ heartbeat, set to 0 to disable, be aware that setting the heartbeat below the time it takes for a command to complete might break rabbit connection & cause the worker-manager container to fail so best to set to long times ( for example 3600 seconds) yes
mongo_url MONGO_URL api-manager & worker-manager mongodb://mongo_user:mongo_pass@mongo_host:27017/?ssl=true&replicaSet=mongo_replica_set&authSource=mongo_auth_schema string mongo URI string yes
schema_name SCHEMA_NAME api-manager & worker-manager mongo_schema string mongo schema name yes
registry_auth_user REGISTRY_AUTH_USER worker-manager user string the docker registry basic auth user yes
registry_auth_password REGISTRY_AUTH_PASSWORD worker-manager P@ssw0rd string the docker registry basic auth password yes
registry_host REGISTRY_HOST worker-manager string the docker registry FQDN or IP yes
max_restart_wait_in_seconds MAX_RESTART_WAIT_IN_SECONDS worker-manager 5 int maximum time each worker server will wait before reloading the containers in case of restart\update (minimum time hard coded to 0 and each worker server will randomly choose between the that range to spread load on rabbit\mongo) yes
APP_NAME worker-manager example-app,example-app-logging,example-app-load-balancer,yet-another-example string envvar only, used to set what apps run on said workers, format is a comma seperated list of nebula app names yes

envvars take priority over variables set in the conf.json file in case both are set, it's suggested to always wrap envvars values in Quotation marks but it's only required if the envvar uses special characters (for example "mongodb://mongo_user:mongo_pass@mongo_host:27017/?ssl=true&replicaSet=mongo_replica_set&authSource=mongo_auth_schema")

The following table shows the path of each config file inside the docker containers:

container config path inside container example Dockerfile COPY command overwrite
api-manager /www/conf.json COPY conf.json /www/conf.json
worker-manager /worker-manager/conf.json COPY conf.json /worker-manager/conf.json